Working with cases involving family violence is complex, and it is important to have someone to discuss your cases with, to slow down with and explore the dynamics of what is happening for your clients and how best to support them, and to be always mindful of safety. I come to all of my work with an equity lens, with an emphasis on understanding what identities we as professionals bring to our interactions with our clients, along with the identities our clients carry, and how those identities interact in the therapy space and in your clients’ lives and experiences.
As someone trained in the field of infant and early childhood mental health, I come to consultation and supervision with a reflective supervision consultation lens.
I will hold space for you to grow in your reflective capacity as we explore your cases together. As we reflect on your experience working with your clients and your strategies to meet their needs, I will support you to understand the dynamics in your adult and child clients’ lives and in the therapy room, physical therapy room, home visiting session, or classroom. Reflective supervision consultation allows you the time, space, and support to integrate your clinical knowledge with your knowledge and experience of your clients, so that you can support your clients’ ability to understand and effect change in their own lives and relationships. Note: I am no longer able to offer consultation that will count towards endorsement in infant and early childhood mental health.